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SUSTAINABLE and CLEAN ENERGY ENERGY EFFICIENCY GREENHOUSE GAS, GLOBAL WARMING, CLIMATE CHANGE TECHNOLOGY POLICY INVESTMENT. Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Environment Canada projects the country is on pace to miss its GHG reduction target. Friday, March 17, 2017. Hyperloop Pod prototypes competition in California.
International studies of product energy efficiency. View summary presentations of the product analyses. Distribution transformers benchmarking report published.
U4E Policy Guide on Motors. United for Efficiency released a Policy Guide on Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-Efficient Electric Motors and Motor Systems. Brunner receives International Electrotechnical Commission 1906 Award.
Global Interlaboratory Comparison LED Test. The SSL Annex organised a comparison of 110 laboratories around the world to help governments and manufacturers ensure that LED products sold are of high quality and meet the claimed performance. The final report from this test was published in September 2014. LED Lamp and Luminaire Performance Tiers. Report on Life Cycle Assessment of LEDs. Report on Health Aspects of SSL.
Welcome to the 4E Standby Power Website. Providing a sharper focus on the issue of network standby. This 4E Standby Annex website will provide an on-going reference for policy makers, industry and other parties, giving access to all the reports and research undertaken by the Annex, while new work will be recorded on the EDNA website. The initial focus of the A.
Electronic Devices and Networks Annex. EDNA seeks to capitalise on the energy efficiency opportunities offered by network connected devices. G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan - Networked Devices. More Data, Less Energy.
Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems. June 28 - July 1, 2011,. Syracuse University, NYS, USA. Incremental clustering and novelty detection techniques. And their application to intelligent analysis of time varying information. Possibility to be applied without knowing as a preliminary all the data to be analyzed;. Result must but available after insertion of all new data;. The goal of this special session.
Report on the history of methanol. China s regulation on new energy vehicles. Banning palm oil blocks good practices. AMF - Implementing Agreement on Advanced Motor Fuels. Welcome to the Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collalboration Programme. AMF welcomes interested parties to make contact with the Secretary.
New generation computational tools for building and community energy systems based on the Modelica and Functional Mockup Interface standards.
Sudjelujte u spašavanju planete studirajući dodiplomski studij zaštite okoliša. Ako ste u potrazi za obrazovanjem i diplomom koja će vam omogućiti da najveće svjetske probleme posmatrate iz ekonomske, socijalne i naučne perspektive, imate doista veliki izbor, a jedan od njih je i dodiplomski studij zaštite okoliša. Oni koji odluče da se bave zaštitom. Koliko ste ekološki osviješteni i da li čuvate svoj okoliš? Kako okoliš djeluje na razvoj djeteta. Najbolje udruge za zaštitu okoliša na svijetu.
IEA Bioenergy aims to facilitate the commercialisation and market deployment of environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and cost competitive bioenergy systems and technologies. Take a look at our new website.